International news2019-08-22T12:05:20+00:00

International news

Lost VAT-match

From 2024, the 19% VAT rate will return to restaurant meals, leading to further price increases. The German Food, Beverage and Catering Trade Union (NGG) does not expect a wave of bankruptcies, although they consider […]

The situation of Airbnb in the EU

EU Member States and lawmakers will meet on 15 November to discuss the rules for Airbnb. These will be similar to the Commission’s proposal. This softer approach, as opposed to the tougher rules against the […]

The future is Africa

According to figures released by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) at its General Assembly in Rwanda, tourism has significant economic potential in Africa, with the potential to generate up to $168 billion for […]

The power of the Olympics

Our association participates in the Resilience Working Group of the T4T Committee of the EU Commission. Under the leadership of Vangelis Panayotis, the head of this working group, the tourism research company MKG carried out […]

Beyoncé extra charge

Beyoncé’s tour has boosted hotel bookings, particularly in Cardiff, Germany, and Houston, where it has brought in record revenues. In Cardiff, the average daily room rate (ADR) increased significantly during the tour period, with the […]

The investment environment is improving

Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the global tourism sector has started to rebound from the low point seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to a steady recovery in international tourist arrivals, according to a newly […]

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