Next Tourism Generation project

The Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG) is the 4-year pilot project of the European Commission launched in 2018 in order to make the tourism and catering industry „future-proof”.

NTG is the first European partnership and alliance for improving a collaborative and productive relationship between education and industry. The NTG Alliance provides employees, employers, entrepreneurs, teachers, trainers and students with a set of Core NTG modules in digital, green and social skills.

We have established a Blueprint Strategy for Sectoral Skills Development in Tourism to respond to the fast-changing and increasing skills gaps in digital, green and social skills sets. We also aim to create transformative cooperation in five key tourism sub-sectors: hospitality, food and beverage operations, travel agencies and tour operators, visitor attractions and destination management.
The project is unique in the industry with the participation of 14 partners from 8 European countries. Hungary is represented in the consortium by VIMOSZ and the University of Sopron.

For more information please visit the official website of the project:

Projects partners

NTG objectives

  • To improve the relationship between Industry and Educational Providers in the Tourism sector;

  • To provide concrete innovative and highly relevant skills products and tools and respond to skills need;

  • To provide a detailed assessment of the current and anticipated skills shortages, gaps and mismatches in the sector;

  • To develop a common methodology for assessing the current situation, anticipating future needs and monitor progress to respond to skills gaps;

  • To identify, describing and indicating priorities for the review or the establishment of new qualifications;

  • To improve the image of tourism career pathways at company and educational level.

NTG Skills Reports

NTG Skills reports are research insights reports written to paint a fuller picture of current skills gaps and future skills needs from primary desk research as well as relevant secondary information from surveys and expert interviews. These reports are prepared on a one-off basis. Each report focuses on skills development on digital, social and green skills in one country and includes observations from industry representatives in the five tourism subsectors from that country.

Skills Resources HUB

This section provides relevant content and resources on skills development by skillset (digital, social and green) and tourism subsector. Resources will be updated continuously. The NTG Skills Resources HUB is a specialist library providing tools and resources to educational providers, industry representatives, students and the general public. This section contains content and resources issued by the NTG partners and stakeholders around Europe.


Keeping track of the rapidly changing skills needs and bridging skills gaps in order to cope with a world in constant flux are therefore major challenges for tourism businesses, education providers and governmental bodies; this involves not only the acquisition of new skills but also life-long education and continuous reskilling and upskilling. The NTG Skills gaps & future skills Toolkit is a comprehensive pack of tools created by the Next Tourism Generation Alliance.
The NTG Toolkit built around three skills sets, gives ideas, examples and tools on how to improve digital, green and social skills with the help of best practices, assessment methodologies and supporting tools focusing on the tourism subsectors Tour Operators and Travel Agents, Visitor Attractions, Destination Management, Accommodation Providers and F&B Operations.
The toolkit can be used by industry and education to form the basis for the next step in skills development for the European Tourism Sector.


PANTOUR is a follow-up project of NTG (Next Tourism Generation Skills Alliance). The PANTOUR consortium builds on previous knowledge and tools produced by the Blueprint for Sectoral Skills project/NTG Alliance and will develop new tools and methodology to address strategic and sustainable approaches and cooperation between vocational education, training, higher education, enterprises of the tourism sector, looking to boost innovation in Europe. All project outputs of PANTOUR can be found on this platform.
To learn more about the project click here.