The Hungarian Sectoral Pact for Skills Group held its inaugural meeting on 7 April 2022, coordinated by VIMOSZ. Its aim is to disseminate and strengthen the culture of lifelong learning; to build strong skills partnerships; to monitor skills supply and demand, and to anticipate future skills needs. Tens of billions of euros of EU funding are available for this, in addition to the national Recovery and Resilience Programmes. It aims to organise and disseminate joint actions to invest in the upgrading of existing skills. We do not intend to take over the role of the state, but we do want to accelerate the adaptability of the existing structure. The founding members of the National Skills Group are BGE, the BGSZC Giorgio Perlasca Catering Technical and Vocational School, Edutus University, the National Association of Rural and Agro-Tourism (FATOSZ), Gerbeaud Gastronomy Ltd., Jet Travel Ltd, the National Transport Association of Private Entrepreneurs (NiT), the Hungarian Car Rental Association (MAKSZ), the Hungarian Camping Association (MKSZ), the Association of Hungarian Travel Agencies (MUISZ), the Hungarian Hospitality Association (MVI), Mellow Mood Hotels (MMG), the Pannon Gastronomic Academy Association (PGA), the University of Sopron and VIMOSZ. Attila Bándoli was elected President of the NKCS. In the first year, the group will focus on a few specific tasks: an annual review of the state of skills development, data collection on available training, the age of people working in the sector, dissemination of the results of the NTG project as a precursor among domestic enterprises in the sector, and building a wide network of contacts with public and private actors in the field. Coordination will be ensured by VIMOSZ.